Parents Teacher Meeting

We have multitude of institutions, that we call schools, but the real schools, where the real lesson of life learnt are the ‘homes’. There is no training to be got in school or college or anywhere else in the world which can take the place of discipline of the House, Parent Teacher meetings on different levels are held to help the parents to cope with adolescence related issues. The levels of the PTM’s are on last working day, after the unit tests, after terminal test and on the day on which the results are given. At these junctures the parents are made aware of the strengths and the short-comings of their wards with Positive Suggestions on how to improve the academic and overall performance. They are also enlightened about perceived talents of their child and advised on the methods of cultivating them further. However the complaints and difficulties of the parents are entertained very patiently. To familiarize the parents with their child’s achievements, their projects and collections on various themes are exhibited.